Sunday, September 19, 2010

Putt Putt Fun!

Friday night, we picked up Steven and headed to play a little putt putt. I haven't played in at least a year, so I was really excited. In case you all have forgotten, I am extremely competitive. However, with my young impressionable nephew with me, I tried to not act like a psycho, so I totally tuned it down. Well, until David tells Steven, "Dude, don't let her lose or she will totally get ticked!" So much for making a good impression. I played it off and told him David was just teasing. And, surprisingly enough, I came in 2nd place, and wasn't bothered by it at all. We had a good time and that is all that matters. My whole, "2nd place of the 1st place looser" mentality has to go when there is a youngster around! :)

This would have been a perfectly good picture if someone would have not decided that we have too many "normal" pictures....




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