Monday, December 13, 2010

The Great Dryer Shortage of 2010

Hello faithful readers! Did you know that there was a dryer shortage just a few weeks ago?? Yes that is right...there was not a dryer to be found in North Alabama. And so what naturally happens? Our dryer breaks. So we set out on what turned out to be the great dryer hunt of 2010. When we first started looking for a dryer, we had a price range in mind that we wanted to spend. By the time it was over, price was out of the question...we just a wanted a dryer...any dryer. From what I was told, a large number of these big stores use one main warehouse that they get their dryers from. Well, due to black Friday sales, there were no dryers. This was literally the Monday after Black Friday and I couldn't get a dryer before December 22nd. December 22nd???!!! Seriously, I about died. We had to use our friends dryers and after an embarrassing incident that will not be mentioned on this blog, I decided we would just buy new clothes instead of using someones dryer. I finally found a dryer, but we had to wait a week to get it, but since the other dryers wouldn't be here before December 22nd, a week sounded great. So fair well to the lovely dryer we once will be missed.

RIP Dryer..


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