Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The 5 Year Plan Great Debate

I am a planner....I think most of you would know that. I like to have a plan, things in order (not my house) and my list. I have had a 5 year plan for many many years and constantly cross things off of it. David has laughed at my 5 year plan and my goals, not necessarily AT the specific things I want to accomplish, but more that I am so attached to my list. However, I read a study that talked about the percentage of Harvard graduates that had goals, verses those that have written goals and the ones with written goals, (which was only like 5%) were more successful than all of the other people combined. So, how about that??? I have crossed lots of things off my list, but I still like to add things so it is a constant running list of items. Do any of you have 5 year plans or long term goals?


Jennifer Chambless said...

You're starting to sound like Caroline! :)

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