Saturday, January 31, 2009

Have You Assautled Your Dentist Lately?

On Friday I had to go back to the dentist because 2 of the teeth they had been "watching" for me for a year finally turned a little dark and my dentist wanted to go ahead and fill them. I was upset to say the least because I don't have alot of cavities and I take good care of my teeth. So, we go in to get started and they numb my mouth. They come back a few minutes later and he was about to start. He said let me know if you feel anything...and I said "Okay, what is the sign...." He said, just raise your hand. Okay I thought, simple enough. So, he starts in with the drill on my tooth and lucky me, my tooth wasn't numb. That is when the assault took place. Raise my hand?? Yeah, I raised my punch him in the neck. I don't know what happened, or how my body got where it did, but I jumped out of that chair like it was on fire!! He apologized profusely, but the damage was done....I thought I could have choked him to death then and there on the spot. So to avoid any other beatings from his patient, he numbed my entire mouth 3 more times....when I left there, I looked like I had a stroke, but at least I didn't feel that awful pain. I had a hard time all weekend even opening my mouth wide enough to eat...don't worry though, I pressed on and was still able to eat. :) I think from now on, if I have to have any kind of hard core dental work done, I am going to ask to be put to sleep. Oh, and the sound of that drill...just shoot me now!! That is like nails on a chalkboard time 1000! It was terrible! So, let this be a lesson to all of you...when you get older, the typical brush your teeth twice a day doesn't cut it. So, get those toothbrushes out!!


Meg0429 said...

The same thing happened to me last year when I was getting a crown replaced. It was AWFUL!!!! I had tears coming out of my eyes because it hurt so bad. Then finally after the numbness wore off, my mouth hurt for a couple of days. It was the worst. I feel for you!!! I am so sorry that happened

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