Friday, January 16, 2009

Okay....we know we are weird

So Wilson has now decided that he is going to be an inside dog...or an inside dog for the most part. We tried to get him to come in at night a couple of months ago and sleep inside when it was cold, but he wanted no part of it. He would come in for a little bit and then a couple hours later...mind you, very late in the evening, he would start whinning to go out. So David and I took turns getting up at 3:00 in the morning or so and letting him out. This obviously got old real quick and we decided that if he would rather be outside in the cold than inside in the nice warm house, so be it. Well lately though, he has been coming in more and he sleep inside now. The other night we had a little scare with him and I think he had an allergic reaction to this new shampoo I bought for him. So, we were feeling extra sorry for him and really watching him hard. So, like any good Mom would do, I decided to let him get in the bed with us, so in case he stopped breathing, I would know. He did okay up there and then got down to get in his bed after he started feeling better. Now normally, he is not allowed up on the furniture or bed, and he knows this. So, he typically just comes and puts his head on the side of the bed for you to pet him and then goes on about his business. So a couple nights later he came over and put his head on the bed, and without gesturing or anything I asked him if he wanted to sleep up on the bed. He jumped straight up and got in the bed and I got tickled because he doesn't know what I am saying, or maybe he does, but that is not something we have ever asked him, but he knew what I was talking about. These are the shots that followed...



Oh, and I might add as a side note, that we don't let him lay on our real comforter...we put down something special when he gets up there. :)


Unknown said...

game over... he might never leave.

and about the getting up at 3 am... we installed a doggie door a year ago and it has been one of the best investments we have ever made! even maddie likes it:

The Deavours Family said...

you are so NOT weird, Beau has been sleeping that way since I got him! and it's not our bed, it's Beau's he just lets us share with him! lol

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