Friday, October 23, 2009

Our latest purchase

For David's birthday, he had asked for a new camera...normally when he says something like that I start to sweat and have heart palpitations because his idea of a new camera cost like $5,000.00. Oh how relieved I was when I realized the camera that he wanted was nowhere near that much! So, I bought him, (actually got him a giftcard) the camera. It came in a couple of days ago, and we played with it very briefly. The main thing that I like on it so far is the display screen will flip out and turn around so when you are taking self portraits, you can see yourself and you don't cut off your head or someone elses. Now, this camera does a lot of other neat stuff, but this was just the first feature that I found that I liked. I am still going to have to have a crash course in how to use it. Anyways, here are a couple quick pics of Wilson with the new camera!

IMG_0011 (by alhiggy08)

IMG_0014 (by alhiggy08)


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