Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lions and Tigers and RATS Oh My!!

The rat slayer....

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There is nothing that gives me the creeps more than rats. Well, I take that back, snakes are up there in the same league. Now, mice, I can handle. Sure, they are gross, but they are normally terrified of you and run the opposite direction. The rats I am talking about are Tennessee River Rats...the kind that are as big as most peoples cats. We have had some rat issues on our street here for the past several I have an idea why...yes....can I say anything about Any who, the rats are here and we have to deal with it. The other night, David and I were both in a DEAD sleep when a noise woke both of us up. It wasn't a light scratching sound, or the sound of little mice feet scurrying around...oh no, this was much more. It sounded like the rats had rented sledge hammers and were making there way through our bedroom wall....thank goodness they are on the outside and not in our actual house because I think I might die if I saw one in the house...but they were trying to get in. So what do two responsible homeowners do in a situation like this? Pound on the wall a couple of times and go back to sleep. That will teach them. Oh, and David bought some poison and a HUGE rat trap, cause we will need it, and put them out the other night around the outside of our house....we had our first victim...poor chipmunk didn't know that trap wasn't for him! Super sad! Oh well, maybe the word got out to the rats and they moved on. At least, that is what I am hoping for!

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