Sunday, July 19, 2009

So What Did You Do On Saturday....

Mine started out at 5:00 a.m. with a warm up bike ride....
WetDog0007 (by alhiggy08)

WetDog0012 (by alhiggy08)

Next, I went for a swim....
WetDog0067 (by alhiggy08)

WetDog0092 (by alhiggy08)

Then, a little bike ride....and car dodging...
WetDog0122 (by alhiggy08)

Then finished off with a little run..
WetDog0143 (by alhiggy08)

Ahhh...a relaxing Saturday! Just kidding!! Well, it was finally here, and now finally over....I have been training for this triathlon for several months now and completed it on Saturday. There were over 500 participants in the event. This next picture sums up my feelings at the beginning of the race...
WetDog0039 (by alhiggy08)

If you look up in the dictionary under ANXIETY, this will be the picture you see. I didn't know what to expect and they start you out in shifts, so I had to wait like 30 minutes after the race started before I actually got in the water. To say I was anxious was an understatement. David told me that he could tell I was freaking out a little when he took this picture. So we started off with a 400 meter swim, followed by a 9 mile bike ride and ended with a 3.1 mile run. It went rather well. The only regret I have is that I didn't push myself harder. While I was standing there on the bank, the rescue squad was pulling people out of the water left and right that had gotten into trouble or couldn't make it, so I kept telling myself to not take off too fast or I would be one of those people being pulled out of the water in front of God and everybody. My goal was to finish the race without stopping for anything and I did. I am extremely excited that I was able to participate in this and I can now check it off my bucket list. Next year, ya'll better watch out though...I will know what I am doing. The face of anxiety will be gone!!
WetDog0047 (by alhiggy08)

**I would like to thank my lovely supporting husband for all of his help and his wonderful favorite line was when I got back from the bike ride and transitioned into the running part...he said, "I was beginning to think you weren't coming..." That will lift your spirits! :)


Jennifer Chambless said...

Congrats Anna! That's awesome! I'm proud of you!

Caroline said...

Amazing!!! You should have shouted this to the rooftops to everyone..... So excited for you!

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