Wednesday, September 30, 2009

David's Birthday

So Monday was David's birthday and it wasn't really that great of a day...I felt sorry for him! We had John Burnett's funeral and he also found out that day about Gary Cosby's son passing away, not to mention I had Junior League that night, so he was by himself for awhile. But, we made the best of it...I grilled steaks, cooked baked potatoes and bread and then I had ordered some cupcakes from The Corner Bakery too. They were amazing by the way. David is a hard person to shop for because he doesn't really have any hobbies, and never really asks for anything. However, he did mention a new camera that he wanted so, I consulted with Gary Cosby and he advised me to wait for the new upgrade to come out in October and order it then. So, I got him a giftcard to B&H photo for the amount of the camera so he can get it in October. It seems as the years go by its harder to get presents for a significant other, or maybe that is just in my head. We are both the type of people that if we want something, we typically just buy it for ourselves within reason. Who knows. I already got my birthday present for my birthday in December....David is taking me on a cruise on the new ship that is coming to Mobile....ya'll know I LOVE some cruises!!! Can't wait for that to get here!! Here are some shots from the birthday evening....the big 31!!

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