Monday, March 23, 2009

Sometimes you just want to slap someone...

I will admit that through my life I have not made all the best decisions in the world, or had the best attitude all the time like most people...but I feel like I have always tried to remember no matter how bad things got, that I was still very blessed. I mean, I know I posted earlier about my jeep, and yes it is frustrating, but I am very fortunate to have a car, a nice house, loving husband..etc. However, you come across people on a daily basis who can always find something negative, or are always looking out for what is best for them, or how they will look. That more than anything will make me want to take off the ol' earrings and smack somebody. I won't go into specifics, because it isn't appropriate, but we all need to realize that no matter how fabulous we think we are, or our life is, it can be taken away from you in an instant, so you should remember why you are here on this help other people. That is my rant for the night...I am working on my gentle spirit as you can tell.... :)


Meg0429 said...

Amen sister ;) Preach on

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