Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Streets Will Be Safer....

Today after 10:00 a.m.

Yep, that is right. I will be picked up by the Moulton Police Department to go look at a criminal line up for a crime I witnessed. Nothing major, just a drunk hit and run, but little did I know that if you are involved in a hit and run and the damage is greater than $500.00, it is considered a felony...or that is what the lady told me whose car was hit. I of course remember what they guy looks like, but now I am getting nervous they may have lots of guys up there that look similar to him. I may have to ask them to all dance because I will never forget watching him dance/wiggle/hump and could pick those moves out of 1000 people! Anyways, you should all sleep better tonight knowing that I'm putting one away...hopefully for awhile. What a jerk!


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