Thursday, April 9, 2009

You Have Your Mother's Butt...well thank you.


On Saturday night in the middle of all the chaos of the baton recital, David informed me that my Mother and I have the same butt. Well...thanks??? It was a little random, but, what do you do. I thought it was pretty funny. After the recital, all the Gover gals (and David) headed out for a little sandwich at Subway. I thought this pictures was a cute one! Patsy and Joy have a signature chin/neck pose, which cracks me up...It is so funny to me to see all the generations and how we all think we are so different from our Mother's, but in actuality, we are pretty much the same. I guess we can all entertain ourselves in the same nursing home one day! David always jokes about my mom and Aunt Patsy being in the same room at the nursing home...he says when the other residents hear them shuffling their feet down the hallway they will say, "'s the Gover girls, act like you are asleep!" We can't help it we are social butterflies! :)


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