Monday, April 27, 2009

Technology Blues

Ahhhh.....the joys of technology. It can be our greatest dream or our worst nightmare. Knock on wood, I have been pretty lucky with all things technology related. But I knew my time would come. On Friday, I attended my sister-in-laws graduation from Surgical Technology School at Huntsville Hospital (we are so proud by the way). I took lots of pictures, and several of them were really cute. I came home Friday to download them and they were no longer showing up on the camera, or my computer. As you can imagine, I had a small panic attack. This wasn't just a weekend of nothing important, but her graduation. So, I call David in a panic and he says not to mess with it anymore, but to let him take the card with him to work today and use his photo recovery software to hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) get the photos back. So, please keep your fingers crossed today!!


Anonymous said...

I've had to do that before. The photo recovery stuff is great. Works almost too well.

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